Made for meaning
A true Nihilist is a dead man.
Why? Because once a man becomes a Nihilist he has no reason to live. And any consideration otherwise is anti-nihilistic, even if the reasons are primal and trivial.
A Nihilist is one who lacks belief, not one who believes in nothing. This lack of belief removes meaning and without meaning you have no reason to live.
Give a man everything but meaning, and he will be miserable. Give a man nothing but meaning, and he can change the world.
No one can know whether they are nihilists if they’ve never confronted their mortality.
For it is in act of encountering your finiteness that the choice is laid before you: to be a nihilist or not to be?
The greatest difference between us and chimps is our capacity to conceptualize meaning. Humans are made for meaning. It is what drives us and in turn what drives society.
Man is made for meaning.
“If a man lives he believes in something. If he did not believe that one must live for something, he would not live." - Leo Tolstoy, chp. 9 of A Confession: