When you’re born, you have approximately a billion seconds to live (79 years, avg human lifespan).
However, you devote most of your energy to the game of achieving “goals”.:
✅ - Graduating high school
✅ - Going to university
✅ - Finding a job / starting a company
✅ - Getting married
✅ - Buying a house
✅ - Having kids
The list goes on and on. And with every box ticked, you eagerly anticipate the next. Until one day, fate comes calling.
You think playing this game is normal because everyone around you is playing it too.
They all live in a constant state of anticipation for the future. Never question why.
But this game is a scam.
Because when you reach the end, you realize all your most important moments were never in the future, but in the present.
Yes, goals are important. But don’t let it come in between what matters most in life. Beautiful memories. These are moments locked in time.
Moments like your mother giving you a big kiss in front of your friends when you were 16, or smoking cigars with your friends all Saturday evening, or watching your wife read books to your daughter, or being woken up at 4 A.M. because your daughter is trying to talk to you.
Yet, you’ve missed these present moments. Squandered your energy waiting for something when, in reality, everything you desired was right before your eyes.
Despite not owning the future, you anticipate it as if it’s owed to you.
Regardless of whether you live for 3000 years, 300 years, or 30 years, you lose the same thing: the PRESENT moment.
Your life is present moments stacked upon each other. This is the only thing you have.
Immerse yourself in the present. Don’t rush if you don’t need to. Forgive more often. Say “I love you” and mean it. Call your family and friends and tell them how much they mean to you.
Don’t grow up wasting your billionaire status in the anticipation game.
Recognize you’re already a billionaire if you embrace the present moment.
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