There are mornings you wake up feeling unmotivated and uninspired.
The truth is it impossible to wake up inspired every single day for the rest of your life. That’s the first part to unlocking the secret.
Now here’s the secret. Habits and ritual > motivation. Habits and rituals are systems that will produce inspiration and motivation. But if you depend on motivational clips and inspirational moments to get you moving and doing things, you’re wasting your time.
People make the mistake of thinking that motivational movies, stories, songs, talks are what will get people doing things consistently. There is no doubt that these can act as a catalysts in your life. However, you do things consistently because of your habits and rituals. When you’re feeling down and lazy, if you’ve developed a system your feelings are trumped by your rituals. You will get up and perform your ritual.
You can’t sprint your way through life because it’s a marathon. You need habits which are built into rituals. Your rituals will determine your virtues and vices. So build your rituals intentionally.
You don’t need motivation, you need habits and rituals.