Starting is not the problem
We’re in August 2020.
The world shut down back in March 2020. In these last five months, have you made yourself better? If you were to meet your past self from March, would there be a difference?
This question haunted me in March. I wanted to come out of quarantine better than when I went into it. But better in what way? What were some things I wanted to improve?
A month ago, I saw a post that said something like if you haven’t improved yourself over lockdown, you never lacked time you lacked discipline. The author of that post went straight for the jugular.
And people were upset over this post because it made them responsible for their own mental, physical, and spiritual health. How could someone say that during this pandemic? So people said that the post was insensitive, masochistic, and irresponsible.
I thought about that post for days. Is it true that for most of us we lack discipline not time? 100%.
Many people wait for the new year to start fresh as if that’s going to change anything. If you want to begin a habit, start now. Don’t wait.
If I were to meet myself from March 2020, he and I would be different people. Physically he would weigh 5 lbs more than me. But I would probably kick his ass in a fight. And mentally I’m sharper and stronger than I was. There are other things he would be better at than me, i.e. memorizing a deck of cards, lifting heavier weights, and cardio.
The problem is not starting, the problem is consistency.
Discipline is achieved only through consistency. And consistency comes by building a ritual/routine.
PS. I’ve changed this newsletter to only once a week on Monday at 9:10 AM.