My Coffee Mix
Every morning I drink coffee like most people. Now, on very rare occasions, I will have two cups—usually because I’ve been driving for 4 hours and need to drive for another 3 hours. Generally too much coffee makes me anxious.
I know people who drink 2/3/4 cups a day. That’s a lot. And it’s probably not good for them. People often have more than one cup to prevent post-lunch/afternoon crashes. Very common amongst desk folks.
So are there ways to avoid crashes? Yes. Sleep well, eat well, exercise well, and minimize stress. Simple but they do work. I generally do a good job sleeping on time, eating well, and exercising. But I also want to maximize the effects of my one cup of coffee without the the steep crash.
I found out you can mix things into your coffee. I saw it as hacking the “coffee code”. Why not try it? I began adding MCT oil (in my case I use Coconut oil) and butter to my coffee.
I’ve experimented with other types of coffee concoction, i.e. mixing coffee and Tulsi tea. Not a great tasting coffee but it seems to stretch out the alertness effect of coffee!
MCT = Medium Chain Triglycerides. MCT oils are made from Coconut oil. These fats are important to proper brain and body function. It helps to maintain weight as well.
I add 1 teaspoon of Coconut oil and 1 tablespoon of butter to my hot cup of coffee. Then put that in a blender for 20 seconds. And that’s it. The coffee tastes like a latte, it’s strange. The effects are even better. The high and low of coffee in take mellows out over a longer period of time. So 1 cup of coffee for me lasts for 7 hours—or at least it seems that way because I don’t experience a crash.
There are more sophisticated ways of making this kind of coffee. People will use grass-fed butter instead of plain ol’ butter. Or some will use pure MCT oil.
Maybe I will eventually switch to grass-fed butter and pure MCT oil. For now my coffee mix works!