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In “Love, Freedom, Aloneness” Osho, the provocative and controversial spiritual guru, teaches his perspective on what is love, what it means to know yourself, freedom vs. false freedom, love vs. lust, what it means to be alone, and can we be alone without loneliness.
Lessons from Osho
The only path to liberation is through love. Love is the only freedom from attachment. When you love everything you are attached to nothing.
Man’s exploitative behaviour towards others and nature is the result of man never loving himself in the first place. Only a man who mediates can love himself; otherwise you are always esacping from yourself, avoiding yourself.
If we avoid love we will become a zombie. Yes you breathe and you eat and you talk and you go to the office every day till death comes and releases you from the boredom that you were carrying your whole life.
Make your life a poem. The real poet may never compose any poetry, because his whole being is poetry.
A sense of meaninglessness happens when there is no love so become a lover in the ultimate sense. Love leads to the ultimate experience—called God, called the Absolute, called the Truth. These are only names. In fact the ultimate has no name; it is nameless, but love leads towards it.
Only in solitude will you find the peace you seek. Aloneness is your very nature... deep inside, your aloneness is unreachable, untouchable.
We decide whether we live in hell or heaven—neither of them out there somewhere in another dimension both are here. Freedom gives you the opportunity either to fall below the animals or to rise above the angels. Freedom is a ladder. One end of the ladder reaches hell, the other end touches heaven. It is the same ladder; the choice is yours, the direction has to be chosen by you.
In your aloneness you will find the greatest gift - eternal beauty, goodness, and truth. Of the man or woman who enter solitude, they finally see the transitory nature of this existence. They realize that there is nothing external that will give them peace, happiness, or love. They no longer desire the temporary pleasures of this world
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Till next week!