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Lessons from Sufi Masters:
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Until your beliefs manifest in action you’re a bird without wings. There are two kinds of journeys: Theoretical and real. One stays on the intellectual level and does not go beyond theories. Their followers pass through the various stages and degrees without experiencing anything.
Only by walking path does the path reveal itself. If you start the journey, they will open the road for you. If you annihilate yourself, they will carry you to Absence. Humble yourself, and they will grow you greater than the Universe. Become nothing, and they will show you without you.
In Love, there is no duality. I am not me, you are not you, you are not me. Also, I am me, You are You, and You are me.
Don’t mistake the signs for the thing they’re pointing to. He is in the meaning, not in the words. He is in the heart, not on the tongue. He is the Essence of the Universe, but not the Universe. He is neither in Absence nor Existence.
Memento mori. Death is the poem of the universe. Human beings are asleep; they only wake up at death. Jump into the bottomless abyss that you be free from the fall, like stars in the sky. The thing you lost at birth, you will find at your death.
Kill your egoic self if you want to understand and unite with Love. If we don’t manage to die before we die, in other words, to change our perception from our body to our Essence, we’ll be dying with the fear of death every single day. That fear follows us like an assassin. It doesn’t matter if we’re living in a church or a mosque or a temple or anywhere else. This journey to die before we die is beyond faith, beyond heresy. Religious paradise is simply an imagined extension of our earthly pleasures.
Your suffering is the fire that cleanses your soul. Suffering is the most effective tool on this journey. Through suffering one understands that, “We are the bee; we are the honey.”
Till next week!