How to avoid becoming a person you hate
If you are living for the praises of others, you have lost your purpose in life...
It took me years to understand this…
That was until I lost the closest thing to me.
If you are living for the praises of others, then you’ve lost your purpose in life.
You waste your energy and time, pursuing fleeting pleasures.
You seek awards and status that are external to you because… you hope that somehow these will change your internal state of being. They won’t!
I was obsessed with getting accolades, living in my high tower, and preaching but never practising. Then tragedy struck…
When this kind of tragedy strikes there are only two options: EITHER you cower in the shadow crying for help… OR you walk into the shadow to overcome whatever lurks there.
It’s in the shadow that you face your worst enemy, YOURSELF. He’s the lower man, who’s the beast. You learn to fight him… and finally overcome him.
And it’s only through the shadow do you understand yourself, your beliefs, your desires, and what you’re unwilling to compromise.
When you eventually walk into the light for the first time… you’ll realize you’re a different man.
A man of conviction who lives an action-oriented life.
And there is nothing greater than standing firmly in your convictions because you know yourself.
No man or group can persuade you to genuflect to their gods—be it scientism, nihilism, gender theories or some religious branch.
People will ridicule your convictions. Try to dissuade you from it. But you’ll never cower!
I want you to have this kind of conviction, strength, and courage.
This is why I started the ‘Becoming Antifragile’ podcast. Because I want to bring you timeless wisdom from some of the greatest humans in history. Teaching from people like Buddha, Epictetus, King Solomon, Confucius, Jesus.. and more.
So I spend my week studying their lives, their philosophies, and their precepts so that in under one hour you can feed on their wisdom.
This way you start your week with a nourished mind and soul. Ready to take on whatever challenges are before you.
And this week’s episode (How to avoid becoming a person you hate) was on Fyodor Dostoevsky’s ‘Notes from Underground’.
The man from the underground is precisely a coward who bows to any god under the slightest social pressure. He’s articulate and smart, but he has no skin in the game. He’s a rat.
Make sure you don’t become the man from the underground.