Whether you're a professional athlete, startup founder, lawyer, doctor or anything in between, finding meaning is essential.
You can have fame, wealth, status, and friends and still not have meaning. And without meaning, what is the difference between living and dying?
Here are 6 things to help you find meaning
1. Ask why
Ask yourself why you do what you do. You can only do this when you’ve set up a ritual for yourself. There is no meaning if you don’t understand what you’re living for.
Are you doing it for status? Are you doing it to please your parents? Are you doing it because it was the easiest option at hand? Are you doing it out of existential motivation?
2. Create rituals
This will initiate a life-long practice of becoming action-oriented through the act of fulfilling a set routine. A ritual is a habit with a surrounding ecosystem.
Set specific daily tasks that you do no matter where you are and how you’re feeling (read more).
3. Welcome silence
This will help you reflect and organize your thoughts without constant distraction. So sit in silence. Allow your mind to welcome the chaotic nature of thoughts. Then funnel each thought until you’ve made peace with silence.
4. Embrace discomfort
This will prepare you for the inevitable catastrophes of life. So do uncomfortable things daily that strengthen your mind and will. There is nothing greater than witnessing a man overcome obstacles.
i.e. have a cold shower every day, wake up early in the morning, train on days you feel least motivated.
5. Face your mortality
This is a must if you want to live without fear. Death is unavoidable as much as Silicon Valley folks like to think otherwise. The sooner your face your mortality, the sooner you will love life.
Meaning that endures is found when death becomes a friend.
6. Be focused on the present task
This is especially important on your path to meaning. Do all things with your full focus. For the beauty of each moment lies in the in front of you.
i.e. If you’re with friends or loved ones, be cognitively present. Don’t check your phone or become distracted by trivial noise.
About me
I’m IJ. I’m a martial artist, product designer, and philosopher.
Why am I doing this? To share my learnings on living an action-oriented life. Want to read more? Follow me on Twitter and subscribe to my newsletter here.
Have a question about this post or interested in working together? Email me at jeitthew @ gmail.com
Meaning is earned.
I was reading someone who pointed out that across history most cultures helped their members, especially the young men, by symbolically moving them from childhood to adulthood. In the West, we don't do that. I think that makes the need for meaning even greater.